Man up and:
Do something embarrassing and laugh it off
Put strangers at ease
Read less news and more books
Be a creator not a consumer
Compliment other people (all the time)
Build people up
Buy a fucking lamp (stop using the big light)
Relentlessly pursue curiosity
Stop bringing your phone to bed
Cook something simple and nourishing for a friend
Find a mug you really like and drink tea out of it
Play a sport you’re bad at and don’t take it too seriously
Let someone else be in charge every now and then
Make art
Send a friend a voice note saying you love them
Ask silly questions
Admit you aren’t the smartest in the room and be pleased about it
Have a silly little hobby
Wear sunscreen
Go to the doctor
Be wrong (try not to care)
Suck at things regularly but keep showing up
Write poetry
Go for a walk
Listen to people you disagree with
Stand up for yourself when you need to but let things go when possible
Mentor someone
Read fiction
Hug your friends and family
Do something with your hands
Be considerate when you’re in public
Be kind to yourself
Number 7 🔥🔥🔥
If only all men would read this 🩷